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What We Believe

We love the Lord Jesus with all our heart, and we hold him and his ways above all things. 

We believe Jesus is the son of God our Father, and that he came to earth, died to forgive us our sins and rose to life again after.


We believe that same forgiveness is freely available to each one of us today if we are sorry and ask to be forgiven. We believe too that the Holy Spirit is there to help each one of us at all times in our daily lives. This is called the Trinity, which means there is one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We learn this through studying the Bible, through the teaching of those who minister to us and through prayer. We do our best to live our lives consistently within the principles the Bible sets out.

We warmly welcome everyone who comes to St. Mark's, wherever in the world they're from and whatever their background. We want our church to be a place where everyone feels safe, cared for, valued and listened to.

Our desire is to share widely and with excitement what we believe, to put God’s love at the heart of our community and to love, care for and support each other across the wide age range and rich diversity of background and experience of both our church family and our local area. 

We are fully a part of the Church of England, and recognise and celebrate the wide-ranging liturgy and styles of worship within it.


We express ourselves corporately through low church evangelical traditions in our communion services, our contemporary worship and our wide range of informal home-grown services led by lay members of the church, such as our monthly All Age Worship.

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